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    How to Follow Through With Your Budget

    Do you ever make a budget but can seem to stick to it? These tips can help you avoid some of the common budgeting pitfalls.

    How To Automate Saving

    The most common reason so many saving strategies fail, is because there is no clear plan or consistency.

    Don’t Let Transportation Costs Run Rampant

    Gas may be an unavoidable expense for most people, but there are ways to squeeze every cent out of it.

    Turn Saving into Gaming in 2018

    Whether we want to admit it or not, must of us have a competitive edge. In 2018, you can tap into that mindset to motivate yourself to save as much money as possible, through fun games and competitions, all in the spirit of having more money in your pocket.

    Helping Science to Help Yourself

    If you are short on money, there are a few ways to make some cash and do a good deed, needing nothing but yourself. Hospitals and universities and always running experiments to further their research and they need a steady flow of participants, who are typically compensated with gift cards or cash payments.

    Saving Money During the Holidays

    The holidays are wonderful and bring everyone together for good times and laughs — but let’s be honest, they are also stressful and can be a bit of a strain on your wallet. To keep yourself full of holiday cheer and your wallet still semi-full of cash, follow these easy tips.

    It’s the End of the Month – Here’s What to Do With Your Extra Cash

    Did you make it to payday with a surplus? Make the most of your extra cash now to kick-start the new month and start a pattern of positive financial choices.

    Be Smart With Your Smartphone and Save Money!

    Your phone can do a lot for you — remember a grocery list, calculate the tip, and keep all your contacts in one place. Smart is right in the name; but are you using your phone in the smartest way?

    Choose the Right Credit Card

    Credit cards have become a necessity and the market is flooded with options, but it is vital to choose the best option to get the most out of your card.

    Don’t Eat Away Your Savings

    Most people trying to cut down their debt and fill their savings accounts may be unintentionally eating their profits. Literally.